Monday, September 29, 2014

Paranormal Road Trip: Destination Jacksonville with Rinda Elliott

Come on boys and ghouls!  It's time to hop on Route 666 for a spooktacular Paranormal Road Trip.  This week's stop is Jacksonville and our special guide is Rinda Elliott author of the Sisters of Fate series and the Beri O'Dell series.

The Beri O'Dell series is set in Jacksonville, Florida so it seems fitting that our guide for this week's Paranormal Road Trip be the amazing Rinda Elliott.  Let's see what terrifying places Rinda has planned for our tour.

Jacksonville's Top Five Spooky Places

Jacksonville is the main setting of my Beri O’Dell books, though she travels a lot in each story. This is where Nikolos set his home over a labyrinth of mysterious underground caves and where Beri and her new family end up between and even during adventures. There are way more than five haunted places, but here are a few of the most interesting ones.

1. St. Luke’s Hospital.
Ghostly patients and nurses have been seen wandering the halls. This building has quite a history. For more information, along with some great inside photos, check it out here.

2. Thomson Tabby House Ruins.
Picture and info here. I’d love to set a story here!

3. Annie Lytle School.  
This one intrigued me so much, I’ve decided to set a scene here in a future Beri O’Dell book. There are stories about a killer janitor, a cannibal principle-EW!-and even an explosion that killed many. There’s some cool video footage of the abandoned school here.

4. Theatre Jacksonville.
This one was on a paranormal investigation show. Here’s a fun video of them catching an apparition on film.

5. The Vanishing Hitchhiker of Girvin Road.
A girl with glasses will stop your car, then disappear if you look away. More info here.

Thank you Rinda for joining us here today at From the Shadows!

To learn more about Rinda Elliott and her books, please visit her website and don't miss our Q+A with Rinda Elliott here at From the Shadows!  You can add her Beri O'Dell series here on Goodreads.

Readers, was this your first visit to Jacksonville, Florida?  Have you experienced anything supernatural in and around Jacksonville?

What did you think of Rinda Elliott's picks for spooky places?

Last week on Paranormal Road Trip we visited San Diego with Eileen Wilks.  Next week we'll be traveling back to San Diego with S.J. Harper.

Join us for another spine-tingling Paranormal Road Trip...
if you dare!


  1. Replies
    1. I know, right? There's just something terrifying about old hospitals.

  2. Thanks for the videos and pics, it really helps me get a feel for the city

    1. I agree, Rinda did a fantastic job as our guide on this Paranormal Road Trip! :)

  3. I love haunted hospitals! I lived next to an abandoned one for a while. Very creepy but never got a sense that it was haunted

    1. Egads! Abandoned hospitals squick me out. They're my Kryptonite. lol.

  4. Exploring supernatural tales and mysterious landmarks. Join us as we uncover the eerie and fascinating secrets of this captivating destination through the eyes of a seasoned paranormal investigator.
