Please welcome today's paranormal guest author Gina X. Grant. Gina is the author of The Reluctant Reaper.
EJ: When did you begin writing?
Gina: Like everyone else, I started writing as a kid. In high school, I
wrote what was considered a weird story although it would now be
considered post-apocalyptic YA. I suspect the school administrators
wanted to send me for counseling. Instead, the brilliantly insightful
teacher typed it up and distributed it around the school.
But then, real life kicked in. I earned a degree in business that near
sucked the life out of me. Eventually, I started writing fanfiction
back when the internet was young. Anyone remember when YahooGroups was
still OneList? When we used HotBot as our search engine?
I switched over to the pro-writing side after heaving yet another
“bestseller” at the wall. “I, too, can write this badly!” I declared.
Well, maybe I don’t write badly after all. I began writing m/m romances,
eventually writing my Reluctant Reaper trilogy which releases this
summer—three books, no waiting!
My big claim to fame is, at this point, a vicarious one: I have the same
agent as Suzanne Collins. W00t! Perhaps one day Ms. Collins will say,
“I have the same agent as Gina X. Grant!” Well, I can dream, right?
EJ: What brought you to the paranormal genre?
Gina: From fairy tales and superhero comics to Narnia and Lord of the
Rings, I’ve been reading sci-fi and fantasy as long as I can remember.
While I was deciding what to write, I stumbled upon Mary Janice
Davidson’s Undead and Unwed, the first of her Queen Betsy series. I was
delighted by the combination of fantasy and humor. I loved the balance
of darkness and comedy that made Buffy/Angel/Firefly and now
Supernatural work. I try to use that my own writing.
EJ: If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?
Gina: I’d love to be able to turn invisible in the dark. No, just
kidding. I would like to be able to make people happy, to be an
anti-dementor. Just as JK Rowling used her dementors to represent the
bleakness and pain of depression, I’d like to be able to suck that out
of people (but not into myself!) Actually, that’s not a bad plot bunny.
I’d dissipate the depression into the air, or instill it in the person’s
shadow or something. Hmmm ::goes off to write that down::
EJ: Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.
Gina: What makes THE RELUCTANT REAPER and the other two books in the
series different is their over-the-top humor, characters and setting. If
you like bad puns and good wordplay, a character who gets herself into
all kinds of trouble, plus plot twists and turns you’ll never see
coming, then this is the book for you.
If you’re a fan of Discworld or Stephanie Plum, you’ll like heroine
Kirsty d’Arc. My agent sold my book to Simon & Schuster based on the
pitch, “it’s Sookie Stackhouse meets Thursday Next” (Thursday is Jasper
Fforde’s intrepid heroine in the Jurisfiction series.)
Plus it has feral desk accessories. Name one other urban fantasy with feral desk accessories. Go on. I’ll wait.
EJ: If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?
Gina: Main character Kirsty d’Arc is a sassy 25-year-old ex-office
worker turned Grim Reaper. She’s 25 forever so I’d cast someone young in
order for her to stay young enough to play the part for ALL the movies.
I like Summer Glau for the part.
Love-interest Dante Alighieri is 700 years old but looks around 30. I
think Jensen Ackles would be perfect (for just about anything).
The Reluctant Reaper (The Reluctant Reaper #1) by Gina X. Grant.
Life for Kirsty d’Arc might not be perfect, but it’s far from hellish.
She likes her job, has a great BFF and truly admires Conrad, her boss.
But when she dives in front of a lunatic’s blade to save him from
certain death, she finds out Conrad isn’t so admirable after all. In
fact, he’s traded her soul to the Devil!
While her body lies comatose on the Mortal Coil, Kirsty’s spirit is
dragged straight to Hell…which is not quite the fire-and-brimstone abyss
she’d expected. In fact, the place is quirky, wacky, and not without
charm. Desperate to reunite body and soul before her time runs out, she
seeks out allies, earning the friendship of a powerful drag demon, a
psychic server and most importantly, Hell’s civil servant. But what of
her growing attraction to Dante, the sexy Reaper with a flair for
romantic language—can she forgive him for scything her soul?
Stuck in the netherworld, Kirsty vows she’ll do everything on her
postmortem bucket-list, starting with getting her life back and ensuring
that Conrad has Hell to pay!
Release Date: June 17, 2013
Thank you Gina for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about Gina X. Grant and her books, please visit her website.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Q+A with Gina X. Grant (The Reluctant Reaper)
Gina X. Grant,
The Reluctant Reaper

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Paranormal Christmas in July Winner
Congratulations Kriss M. winner of the Paranormal Christmas in July giveaway! Kriss will receive an ebook copy of Blood and Mistletoe, an Ivy Granger urban fantasy series novella.
Thank you to all who entered!
**Winners selected using**
Thank you to all who entered!
**Winners selected using**

Thursday, July 25, 2013
Ghost Light Release Party Giveaway Winner
Congratulations Anna P. winner of our Ghost Light Release Party Giveaway! Anna will receive a $15 Amazon gift card (or $15 book from The Book Depository), a
Ghost Light ebook, and an autographed Ghost Light
Ghost Light (Ivy Granger #2) by E.J. Stevens
Ivy Granger, psychic detective, thought she'd seen it all...until now.
With a vengeful lamia that only she can see on the city streets, reports of specters walking Harborsmouth cemeteries, and an angry mob of faerie clients at her office door, it's bound to be a long night. Add in an offense against the faerie courts and a few foolish bargains and one thing is clear--Ivy Granger is in some seriously deep trouble.
Ivy Granger is back, gathering clues in the darkest shadows of downtown Harborsmouth. With the lives of multiple clients on the line, she's in a race against time. Ivy finally has a lead to the whereabouts of the one person who can help her control her wisp abilities, but will she put the needs of her clients above her own?
If Ivy doesn't find a solution soon, she could wind up a ghost herself.
Release Date: July 9, 2013
Add to Goodreads
Buy on Amazon
Thank you to all who came out to celebrate the release of GHOST LIGHT, the second novel in the Ivy Granger urban fantasy series. It was fun partying with you all! xx
Didn't win? Don't miss this giveaway on Goodreads! Goodreads is giving away one *signed* trade paperback copy of GHOST LIGHT.
**Giveaway winners selected using Rafflecopter**
Ghost Light (Ivy Granger #2) by E.J. Stevens
Ivy Granger, psychic detective, thought she'd seen it all...until now.
With a vengeful lamia that only she can see on the city streets, reports of specters walking Harborsmouth cemeteries, and an angry mob of faerie clients at her office door, it's bound to be a long night. Add in an offense against the faerie courts and a few foolish bargains and one thing is clear--Ivy Granger is in some seriously deep trouble.
Ivy Granger is back, gathering clues in the darkest shadows of downtown Harborsmouth. With the lives of multiple clients on the line, she's in a race against time. Ivy finally has a lead to the whereabouts of the one person who can help her control her wisp abilities, but will she put the needs of her clients above her own?
If Ivy doesn't find a solution soon, she could wind up a ghost herself.
Release Date: July 9, 2013
Add to Goodreads
Buy on Amazon
"Another brilliant installment of the Ivy Granger series."
Thank you to all who came out to celebrate the release of GHOST LIGHT, the second novel in the Ivy Granger urban fantasy series. It was fun partying with you all! xx
Didn't win? Don't miss this giveaway on Goodreads! Goodreads is giving away one *signed* trade paperback copy of GHOST LIGHT.
**Giveaway winners selected using Rafflecopter**

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Character Guest Post: A Legacy of Light by Daniel Arenson
Today From the Shadows welcomes a character from A Legacy of Light, a
new fantasy novel by Daniel Arenson. Erry is a young woman from
Requiem, a land where people can shapeshift into dragons. She's here to
tell us a little about the book.
First of all, you should know that this isn't my story.
A Legacy of Light is about heroes. It's about great princes, kings, and emperors who can turn into dragons. They lead armies. They fight in wars. They battle for the throne of Requiem, an ancient kingdom of dragon magic.
I'm nobody.
I'm just Erry. That's it. Not Queen Erry the First, not even the Dreaded Outlaw Erry. Hell, I don't even have a real last name.
So why am I the one writing this blog post?
Well, what did you expect? Those kings, queens, and emperors to visit From the Shadows? They're too busy fighting their wars. But me... well, I've always been from the shadows myself.
I was born on the boardwalk of a small, seaside town. My father was a sailor from a foreign land; I never met him. My mother died years ago in the wars, back when I was only a child. Since then, I've been alone here on the docks.
Well, alone aside from animals. Stray cats are great company when you're an orphaned, homeless, bastard girl.
Life hasn't always been easy. I eat fresh fish when I can catch them. When I can't, I eat what dead fish are swept ashore, pick through trash, or steal. I've stolen from many houses in this town, and I've only been caught twice.
Sometimes people try to help me. Men, mostly. They'll give me a meal or a roof for the night, but they always want something in return. They always want me. So I always run... back to the docks, back to my stray animals, back to scrounging for scraps.
But it's not all bad. I have my freedom. I'm wild. I can run around and howl at the moon, roll in the sand, or just sit on the beach at night, watching the stars and waves. I mostly roam around at night. Night is when the docks are mine, and I can imagine that I'm queen of the sea. Nobody wants to see a ragged, filthy urchin in the daylight anyway!
If you read A Legacy of Light, you won't read a lot about me. As I said, this is not my story. You'll learn about those kings, outlaws, and heroes. You'll read about all the great things they do, things greater than anything I've done.
But I'll be there too, between the pages, popping up in a scene here or there. And let me tell you, those are the best damn scenes in the book. Honest to goodness, and may I choke on a fish bone if I'm lying.
I like this blog. I've always liked the shadows. But now dawn rises, so I'll run off to my hiding spots -- I'm not telling where they are! -- to sleep and dream of distant adventures. I hope we meet in the shadows again... or between the pages of a book.
A Legacy of Light (The Dragon War #1) by Daniel Arenson.
"We live in a time of darkness. Requiem lies cloaked in shadows. Tonight we say: We will fight. We will keep our light blazing."
The people of Requiem, an ancient kingdom, can grow wings and scales, breathe fire, and take flight as dragons. For years, Requiem's holy stars have blessed the kingdom with light and magic. But now a darkness falls.
General Cadigus, traitor to the crown, has captured the throne. Bloodthirsty and cruel, he rules with an iron fist. He crushes his own people under his heel. He burns all foreign lands. The noble kingdom of Requiem fades; a dark empire rises.
In the wilderness, a small light kindles. Rebellion brews. The rebels are haggard, outnumbered, and desperate. They hide in forests and ruins. They fight for the memory of Old Requiem, for a legacy of light.
The Resistance is small, but its cry is loud: "The tyrant must fall."
Release Date: March 29, 2013
Thank you Erry for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about Daniel Arenson and his books, please visit his website and don't miss his previous author and character interviews here at From the Shadows.
Hello, From the Shadows! First of all, you should know that this isn't my story.
A Legacy of Light is about heroes. It's about great princes, kings, and emperors who can turn into dragons. They lead armies. They fight in wars. They battle for the throne of Requiem, an ancient kingdom of dragon magic.
I'm nobody.
I'm just Erry. That's it. Not Queen Erry the First, not even the Dreaded Outlaw Erry. Hell, I don't even have a real last name.
So why am I the one writing this blog post?
Well, what did you expect? Those kings, queens, and emperors to visit From the Shadows? They're too busy fighting their wars. But me... well, I've always been from the shadows myself.
I was born on the boardwalk of a small, seaside town. My father was a sailor from a foreign land; I never met him. My mother died years ago in the wars, back when I was only a child. Since then, I've been alone here on the docks.
Well, alone aside from animals. Stray cats are great company when you're an orphaned, homeless, bastard girl.
Life hasn't always been easy. I eat fresh fish when I can catch them. When I can't, I eat what dead fish are swept ashore, pick through trash, or steal. I've stolen from many houses in this town, and I've only been caught twice.
Sometimes people try to help me. Men, mostly. They'll give me a meal or a roof for the night, but they always want something in return. They always want me. So I always run... back to the docks, back to my stray animals, back to scrounging for scraps.
But it's not all bad. I have my freedom. I'm wild. I can run around and howl at the moon, roll in the sand, or just sit on the beach at night, watching the stars and waves. I mostly roam around at night. Night is when the docks are mine, and I can imagine that I'm queen of the sea. Nobody wants to see a ragged, filthy urchin in the daylight anyway!
If you read A Legacy of Light, you won't read a lot about me. As I said, this is not my story. You'll learn about those kings, outlaws, and heroes. You'll read about all the great things they do, things greater than anything I've done.
But I'll be there too, between the pages, popping up in a scene here or there. And let me tell you, those are the best damn scenes in the book. Honest to goodness, and may I choke on a fish bone if I'm lying.
I like this blog. I've always liked the shadows. But now dawn rises, so I'll run off to my hiding spots -- I'm not telling where they are! -- to sleep and dream of distant adventures. I hope we meet in the shadows again... or between the pages of a book.
A Legacy of Light (The Dragon War #1) by Daniel Arenson.
"We live in a time of darkness. Requiem lies cloaked in shadows. Tonight we say: We will fight. We will keep our light blazing."
The people of Requiem, an ancient kingdom, can grow wings and scales, breathe fire, and take flight as dragons. For years, Requiem's holy stars have blessed the kingdom with light and magic. But now a darkness falls.
General Cadigus, traitor to the crown, has captured the throne. Bloodthirsty and cruel, he rules with an iron fist. He crushes his own people under his heel. He burns all foreign lands. The noble kingdom of Requiem fades; a dark empire rises.
In the wilderness, a small light kindles. Rebellion brews. The rebels are haggard, outnumbered, and desperate. They hide in forests and ruins. They fight for the memory of Old Requiem, for a legacy of light.
The Resistance is small, but its cry is loud: "The tyrant must fall."
Release Date: March 29, 2013
Thank you Erry for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about Daniel Arenson and his books, please visit his website and don't miss his previous author and character interviews here at From the Shadows.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Q+A with M.L. Brennan (Generation V)
Please welcome today's paranormal guest author M.L. Brennan. M.L. is the author of Generation V.
EJ: When did you begin writing?
ML: Writing is always something that I’ve really enjoyed, going all the way back to a very young age. I remember that creative writing assignments were always something that I looked forward to in school, and that I always found them extremely easy (which, of course, is a very pleasurable thing for most students). I liked creating imaginary worlds and situations, and I always got As with very little effort. In high school I also dabbled with fanfiction – which was a fun offshoot of my enjoyment of a few TV fandoms.
But in terms of serious writing, I don’t think back on myself as a writer until I was in college. That was when I started really studying writing and pushing my own work as hard as I could. I also began working in short stories, and I was a senior in college when my first short story was accepted for publication in a literary journal. That was when I started really considering myself a writer.
EJ: What brought you to the paranormal genre?
ML: I think all the blame for this goes to my brother. He’s two years older than I am, so when I was young a lot of the books that I was interested in reading were the ones that he had – pretty classic younger sibling, I guess. I read Ender’s Game because he lent me his copy, I read his Star Trek novels, I read his Star Wars books, and the entire Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.
Our tastes started diverging around high school. He became more interested in very hard sci-fi (and by “hard” I mean in the hard/soft sense of technological/sociological focused sci-fi), while I went more into the fantasy direction with the Forgotten Realms books and Ravenloft. Then at one point I picked up a copy of Emma Bull’s War for the Oaks and became absolutely enraptured with the idea of monsters in the big city. So when it really crossed my mind that I wanted to write a speculative novel, I really gravitated toward urban fantasy.
EJ: If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?
ML: I’d probably choose to be a shapeshifter. I like the idea of being able to see the world through different eyes and experience a heightened range of senses – plus, I’d finally get to understand why dogs always look so happy when they stick their heads out of car windows!
EJ: Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.
ML: I think readers will really enjoy Generation V because it is the start of a series where I do two things. First, I take vampires a bit back toward their roots – these aren’t a group of misunderstood guys who just want to date high school girls, these are monsters who view humans as a food source. They don’t have feelings or empathy for humans. Secondly, I also changed my vampires around on a fundamental biological level – instead of vampires in this series being undead humans who are changed through a simple blood exchange and then do not age and live forever (can we say population control problem?) I made vampires into a completely separate species. These aren’t humans, and they never were humans – they are a species with long but finite life span and a very complicated and difficult reproductive cycle.
Also in my series is an idea that is based on crocodiles – a grown crocodile is one of the most badass animals in its environment, and no one is going to mess with it. But a baby crocodile is pretty much everything’s idea of dinner. My vampires gain strength and power as they get older – but my protagonist, Fortitude Scott, is a young vampire. He’s in his late twenties, and in terms of power, he’s basically on the level of a regular human. So while his older siblings might make everyone else wet their pants in fear, Fort can get beaten up by just about everything. To me that made him a much more interesting character – nothing bores me faster than a book where the main character is the strongest, fastest, most super-magical creature there. It’s obvious at the start of every conflict that this character is going to win pretty easily. Fort, though, is constantly outclassed by everyone he comes across – to get what he wants he has to outsmart his opponents, or find and make allies, rather than just getting into a fistfight.
Finally, I’m also bringing in myths and ideas that come from outside the usual pool of urban fantasy sources. My secondary character in the book is Suzume, a Japanese kitsune. This is a fascinating myth about a fox who can turn into a woman, and who can be either a trickster or a helpful character in old stories. I really incorporated that idea of a trickster when I was making her character, and I had so much fun writing her and the scenes that she’s in.
EJ: If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?
ML: I’ve never really used movie characters as models for primary characters – it’s not how I think of Fort or Suzume, and I’m not sure I’d be comfortable even naming off a few actors, since I worry that that might lock me into something. But I do enjoy using this to help when I’m writing characters who appear less often. Fortitude’s mother, a very powerful, ancient, and dangerous vampire who presents a deceptively sweet and grandmotherly appearance would be best played by Betty White. I have a suspicious human private investigator sniffing around the edges of the story named Matt McMahon, and Jason Beghe (who played Mike Royce in Castle) was always the person who I used as a model.
Generation V (American Vampire #1) by M.L. Brennan.
Reality Bites.
Fortitude Scott’s life is a mess. A degree in film theory has left him with zero marketable skills, his job revolves around pouring coffee, his roommate hasn’t paid rent in four months, and he’s also a vampire. Well, sort of. He’s still mostly human.
But when a new vampire comes into his family’s territory and young girls start going missing, Fort can't ignore his heritage anymore. His mother and his older, stronger siblings think he’s crazy for wanting to get involved. So it’s up to Fort to take action, with the assistance of Suzume Hollis, a dangerous and sexy shape-shifter. Fort is determined to find a way to outsmart the deadly vamp, even if he isn’t quite sure how.
But without having matured into full vampirehood and with Suzume ready to split if things get too risky, Fort’s rescue mission might just kill him.…
Release Date: May 7, 2013
Thank you M.L. for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about M.L. Brennan and his books, please visit his website.
EJ: When did you begin writing?
ML: Writing is always something that I’ve really enjoyed, going all the way back to a very young age. I remember that creative writing assignments were always something that I looked forward to in school, and that I always found them extremely easy (which, of course, is a very pleasurable thing for most students). I liked creating imaginary worlds and situations, and I always got As with very little effort. In high school I also dabbled with fanfiction – which was a fun offshoot of my enjoyment of a few TV fandoms.
But in terms of serious writing, I don’t think back on myself as a writer until I was in college. That was when I started really studying writing and pushing my own work as hard as I could. I also began working in short stories, and I was a senior in college when my first short story was accepted for publication in a literary journal. That was when I started really considering myself a writer.
EJ: What brought you to the paranormal genre?
ML: I think all the blame for this goes to my brother. He’s two years older than I am, so when I was young a lot of the books that I was interested in reading were the ones that he had – pretty classic younger sibling, I guess. I read Ender’s Game because he lent me his copy, I read his Star Trek novels, I read his Star Wars books, and the entire Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.
Our tastes started diverging around high school. He became more interested in very hard sci-fi (and by “hard” I mean in the hard/soft sense of technological/sociological focused sci-fi), while I went more into the fantasy direction with the Forgotten Realms books and Ravenloft. Then at one point I picked up a copy of Emma Bull’s War for the Oaks and became absolutely enraptured with the idea of monsters in the big city. So when it really crossed my mind that I wanted to write a speculative novel, I really gravitated toward urban fantasy.
EJ: If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?
ML: I’d probably choose to be a shapeshifter. I like the idea of being able to see the world through different eyes and experience a heightened range of senses – plus, I’d finally get to understand why dogs always look so happy when they stick their heads out of car windows!
EJ: Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.
ML: I think readers will really enjoy Generation V because it is the start of a series where I do two things. First, I take vampires a bit back toward their roots – these aren’t a group of misunderstood guys who just want to date high school girls, these are monsters who view humans as a food source. They don’t have feelings or empathy for humans. Secondly, I also changed my vampires around on a fundamental biological level – instead of vampires in this series being undead humans who are changed through a simple blood exchange and then do not age and live forever (can we say population control problem?) I made vampires into a completely separate species. These aren’t humans, and they never were humans – they are a species with long but finite life span and a very complicated and difficult reproductive cycle.
Also in my series is an idea that is based on crocodiles – a grown crocodile is one of the most badass animals in its environment, and no one is going to mess with it. But a baby crocodile is pretty much everything’s idea of dinner. My vampires gain strength and power as they get older – but my protagonist, Fortitude Scott, is a young vampire. He’s in his late twenties, and in terms of power, he’s basically on the level of a regular human. So while his older siblings might make everyone else wet their pants in fear, Fort can get beaten up by just about everything. To me that made him a much more interesting character – nothing bores me faster than a book where the main character is the strongest, fastest, most super-magical creature there. It’s obvious at the start of every conflict that this character is going to win pretty easily. Fort, though, is constantly outclassed by everyone he comes across – to get what he wants he has to outsmart his opponents, or find and make allies, rather than just getting into a fistfight.
Finally, I’m also bringing in myths and ideas that come from outside the usual pool of urban fantasy sources. My secondary character in the book is Suzume, a Japanese kitsune. This is a fascinating myth about a fox who can turn into a woman, and who can be either a trickster or a helpful character in old stories. I really incorporated that idea of a trickster when I was making her character, and I had so much fun writing her and the scenes that she’s in.
EJ: If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?
ML: I’ve never really used movie characters as models for primary characters – it’s not how I think of Fort or Suzume, and I’m not sure I’d be comfortable even naming off a few actors, since I worry that that might lock me into something. But I do enjoy using this to help when I’m writing characters who appear less often. Fortitude’s mother, a very powerful, ancient, and dangerous vampire who presents a deceptively sweet and grandmotherly appearance would be best played by Betty White. I have a suspicious human private investigator sniffing around the edges of the story named Matt McMahon, and Jason Beghe (who played Mike Royce in Castle) was always the person who I used as a model.
Generation V (American Vampire #1) by M.L. Brennan.
Reality Bites.
Fortitude Scott’s life is a mess. A degree in film theory has left him with zero marketable skills, his job revolves around pouring coffee, his roommate hasn’t paid rent in four months, and he’s also a vampire. Well, sort of. He’s still mostly human.
But when a new vampire comes into his family’s territory and young girls start going missing, Fort can't ignore his heritage anymore. His mother and his older, stronger siblings think he’s crazy for wanting to get involved. So it’s up to Fort to take action, with the assistance of Suzume Hollis, a dangerous and sexy shape-shifter. Fort is determined to find a way to outsmart the deadly vamp, even if he isn’t quite sure how.
But without having matured into full vampirehood and with Suzume ready to split if things get too risky, Fort’s rescue mission might just kill him.…
Release Date: May 7, 2013
Thank you M.L. for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about M.L. Brennan and his books, please visit his website.
fortitude scott,
generation v,
m.l. brennan,
urban fantasy,

Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Ghost Light Release Party + Giveaway
Today is the worldwide release of GHOST LIGHT, the second novel in the Ivy Granger urban fantasy series. Let's party!
Keep reading for a chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card, a Ghost Light ebook, and a Ghost Light postcard signed by the author.
Ghost Light (Ivy Granger #2) by E.J. Stevens
Ivy Granger, psychic detective, thought she'd seen it all...until now.
With a vengeful lamia that only she can see on the city streets, reports of specters walking Harborsmouth cemeteries, and an angry mob of faerie clients at her office door, it's bound to be a long night. Add in an offense against the faerie courts and a few foolish bargains and one thing is clear--Ivy Granger is in some seriously deep trouble.
Ivy Granger is back, gathering clues in the darkest shadows of downtown Harborsmouth. With the lives of multiple clients on the line, she's in a race against time. Ivy finally has a lead to the whereabouts of the one person who can help her control her wisp abilities, but will she put the needs of her clients above her own?
If Ivy doesn't find a solution soon, she could wind up a ghost herself.
Release Date: July 9, 2013
Add to Goodreads
Buy on Amazon
Other books in this series:
Shadow Sight (Ivy Granger #1) and Blood and Mistletoe (Ivy Granger #1.5)
Visit the official Ivy Granger series website to learn more about the adventures of Ivy Granger, psychic detective.
We are giving away a $15 Amazon gift card (or $15 book from The Book Depository), a Ghost Light ebook (Kindle or PDF), and an autographed Ghost Light postcard.
To enter, use the easy peasy Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL. Giveaway ends July 24, 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
24-hr Twitter Party: Join the party on Twitter July 9th for a chance to win more prizes. Use hashtag #GhostLightParty and be entered to win Ghost Light books and swag.
Happy reading! xx, E.J.
Keep reading for a chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card, a Ghost Light ebook, and a Ghost Light postcard signed by the author.
Ghost Light (Ivy Granger #2) by E.J. Stevens
Ivy Granger, psychic detective, thought she'd seen it all...until now.
With a vengeful lamia that only she can see on the city streets, reports of specters walking Harborsmouth cemeteries, and an angry mob of faerie clients at her office door, it's bound to be a long night. Add in an offense against the faerie courts and a few foolish bargains and one thing is clear--Ivy Granger is in some seriously deep trouble.
Ivy Granger is back, gathering clues in the darkest shadows of downtown Harborsmouth. With the lives of multiple clients on the line, she's in a race against time. Ivy finally has a lead to the whereabouts of the one person who can help her control her wisp abilities, but will she put the needs of her clients above her own?
If Ivy doesn't find a solution soon, she could wind up a ghost herself.
Release Date: July 9, 2013
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Buy on Amazon
"Another brilliant installment of the Ivy Granger series."
I love being told a good story and they just don’t get any better than
this. There is romance, action, mystery, plenty of things that go bump
in the night, all told with humor and style.
-Paranormal Romance Guild
Stevens continues to impress with Ghost Light, the second full novel in the Ivy Granger series. If she continues in this vein, her work may stand among the paranormal fantasy greats.
-Behind the Curtain of Reality
-Paranormal Romance Guild
Stevens continues to impress with Ghost Light, the second full novel in the Ivy Granger series. If she continues in this vein, her work may stand among the paranormal fantasy greats.
-Behind the Curtain of Reality
"Overall, this is one of the best indie series you could possibly read
right now, and if you don’t have it on your TBR, I think I might just
disown you!"
-The Bawdy Book Blog
"Ivy Granger is back and better than ever in the second full-length installment of this amazing urban fantasy series by E.J. Stevens...It’s an exceptional story and I loved every second of it."
-Twilight Sleep
"If you're a fan of Kim Harrison or Patricia Briggs kind of Urban Fantasy then you will love the Ivy Granger series. Go on give it a go!"
-My Keeper Shelf
-The Bawdy Book Blog
"Ivy Granger is back and better than ever in the second full-length installment of this amazing urban fantasy series by E.J. Stevens...It’s an exceptional story and I loved every second of it."
-Twilight Sleep
"If you're a fan of Kim Harrison or Patricia Briggs kind of Urban Fantasy then you will love the Ivy Granger series. Go on give it a go!"
-My Keeper Shelf
Other books in this series:
Shadow Sight (Ivy Granger #1) and Blood and Mistletoe (Ivy Granger #1.5)
Visit the official Ivy Granger series website to learn more about the adventures of Ivy Granger, psychic detective.
Ghost Light Release Party Giveaway
We are giving away a $15 Amazon gift card (or $15 book from The Book Depository), a Ghost Light ebook (Kindle or PDF), and an autographed Ghost Light postcard.
To enter, use the easy peasy Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL. Giveaway ends July 24, 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
24-hr Twitter Party: Join the party on Twitter July 9th for a chance to win more prizes. Use hashtag #GhostLightParty and be entered to win Ghost Light books and swag.
Add Ghost Light to your TBR list:
Ghost Light available in trade paperback and ebook at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other fine retailers.
Happy reading! xx, E.J.
book giveaway,
E.J. Stevens,
Ghost Light,
ivy granger,
New Release,
urban fantasy

Saturday, July 6, 2013
Q+A with Kelly Oram (Chameleon) + Giveaway
Please welcome today's paranormal guest author Kelly Oram. Kelly is the author of Chameleon.
EJ: When did you begin writing?
Kelly: Pretty much since the time I could pick up a pencil. My parents have “stories” that I wrote as early as 1st grade. I remember writing all growing up. I’ve always loved doing it. I completed my first novel when I was 15, and decided to really try to make a career of writing about 5 or so years ago. My first published book, Being Jamie Baker, was released about 3 years ago.
EJ: What brought you to the paranormal genre?
Kelly: It was definitely my love of the genre. I real a lot more paranormal/fantasy than I do contemporary. Every time I read a book and love it I tell myself that I want to write something like that. I finally got brave enough to give it a try, and I don’t regret it! I had so much fun writing this series!
EJ: If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?
Kelly: Hmm… I think dream walking could be really cool, but if I had to be a certain type of paranormal I’d have to go with witch/warlock/mage… whatever you want to call a magic user. I love magic. It’s so bad-a. I would love to be able to use it. Plus, in all the role playing campaigns I’ve done (Yes, I am a geek!) a powerful magic user can kick some serious butt.
EJ: Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.
Kelly: Honestly, I think people will fall in love with the characters. (At least I hope so!) Chameleon also has a great mystery that I think will keep readers turning the pages. It has all the great elements of paranormal books that we love, yet it has a few fresh elements to it as well. Hopefully it reads as an exciting fresh unique adventure.
EJ: If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?
Kelly: LOL I always have the hardest time trying to cast my characters. In fact my husband often jokes that if any of my books ever get made into movies, they will have to keep me out of the casting room because no one will ever be good enough for me. The only character from any of my books that I have ever had a specific actor in mind for is Seth from Serial Hottie. For some reason Logan Lerman has always been my Serial Hottie. Even before I started writing the book. No idea why.
Chameleon (Supernaturals #1) by Kelly Oram.
For small-town rebel Dani Webber magic and monsters are no more real than the Easter Bunny… until the day she accidentally stops time. Dani quickly discovers that not only do supernaturals exist, but she herself is one of them. This is great news for her life-long best friend Russ, who can finally come clean about his own supernatural status and his undying love for her. Before the two can start to enjoy the long overdue relationship, Dani is taken by a powerful council of supernaturals who believe she is the Chosen One destined to save them from extinction.
As if being kidnapped and expected to save the world isn’t bad enough, an ancient prophecy warns of the Chosen One’s dark nature: “Only the truest love will keep her an agent for good.” The council believes they know who this “true love” is and, unfortunately, that person isn’t Russ. The mysterious, powerful and devastatingly handsome Seer is the last person Dani wants in her life, but when she starts having visions of a horrific future, she has no one else to turn to for help.
Soon Dani finds herself torn between two very different boys with two very different opinions of whom she can trust. With the visions getting worse and time running out, Dani is forced to put aside her feelings and work with both the Seer and Russ before an ancient evil is unleashed upon the earth.
Release Date: June 25, 2013
Thank you Kelly for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about Kelly Oram and her books, please visit her website.
To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Winner will be selected by the author. Giveaway ends July 10, 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Keep reading for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!
EJ: When did you begin writing?
Kelly: Pretty much since the time I could pick up a pencil. My parents have “stories” that I wrote as early as 1st grade. I remember writing all growing up. I’ve always loved doing it. I completed my first novel when I was 15, and decided to really try to make a career of writing about 5 or so years ago. My first published book, Being Jamie Baker, was released about 3 years ago.
EJ: What brought you to the paranormal genre?
Kelly: It was definitely my love of the genre. I real a lot more paranormal/fantasy than I do contemporary. Every time I read a book and love it I tell myself that I want to write something like that. I finally got brave enough to give it a try, and I don’t regret it! I had so much fun writing this series!
EJ: If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?
Kelly: Hmm… I think dream walking could be really cool, but if I had to be a certain type of paranormal I’d have to go with witch/warlock/mage… whatever you want to call a magic user. I love magic. It’s so bad-a. I would love to be able to use it. Plus, in all the role playing campaigns I’ve done (Yes, I am a geek!) a powerful magic user can kick some serious butt.
EJ: Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.
Kelly: Honestly, I think people will fall in love with the characters. (At least I hope so!) Chameleon also has a great mystery that I think will keep readers turning the pages. It has all the great elements of paranormal books that we love, yet it has a few fresh elements to it as well. Hopefully it reads as an exciting fresh unique adventure.
EJ: If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?
Kelly: LOL I always have the hardest time trying to cast my characters. In fact my husband often jokes that if any of my books ever get made into movies, they will have to keep me out of the casting room because no one will ever be good enough for me. The only character from any of my books that I have ever had a specific actor in mind for is Seth from Serial Hottie. For some reason Logan Lerman has always been my Serial Hottie. Even before I started writing the book. No idea why.
Chameleon (Supernaturals #1) by Kelly Oram.
For small-town rebel Dani Webber magic and monsters are no more real than the Easter Bunny… until the day she accidentally stops time. Dani quickly discovers that not only do supernaturals exist, but she herself is one of them. This is great news for her life-long best friend Russ, who can finally come clean about his own supernatural status and his undying love for her. Before the two can start to enjoy the long overdue relationship, Dani is taken by a powerful council of supernaturals who believe she is the Chosen One destined to save them from extinction.
As if being kidnapped and expected to save the world isn’t bad enough, an ancient prophecy warns of the Chosen One’s dark nature: “Only the truest love will keep her an agent for good.” The council believes they know who this “true love” is and, unfortunately, that person isn’t Russ. The mysterious, powerful and devastatingly handsome Seer is the last person Dani wants in her life, but when she starts having visions of a horrific future, she has no one else to turn to for help.
Soon Dani finds herself torn between two very different boys with two very different opinions of whom she can trust. With the visions getting worse and time running out, Dani is forced to put aside her feelings and work with both the Seer and Russ before an ancient evil is unleashed upon the earth.
Release Date: June 25, 2013
Thank you Kelly for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about Kelly Oram and her books, please visit her website.
**Chameleon Tour Giveaway**
Kelly is giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky winner.
To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Winner will be selected by the author. Giveaway ends July 10, 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
author interview,
kelly oram,

Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Paranormal Christmas in July Giveaway
I love reading holiday books in the summer heat and this is one creepy, urban fantasy book that is guaranteed to give you chills.
Blood and Mistletoe (Ivy Granger #1.5) by E.J. Stevens
Holidays are worse than a full moon for making people crazy. In Harborsmouth, where many of the residents are undead vampires or monstrous fae, the combination may prove deadly.
Ivy Granger, psychic private investigator, returns to the streets of Harborsmouth in this addition to the bestselling urban fantasy series.
Holidays are Hell, a point driven home when a certain demon attorney returns with information regarding a series of bloody murders. Five Harborsmouth residents have been killed and every victim has one thing in common--they are fae. Whoever is killing faeries must be stopped, but they only leave one clue behind--a piece of mistletoe floating in a pool of the victim's blood.
The holidays just got interesting. Too bad this case may drive Ivy mad before the New Year. Heck, she'll be lucky to survive Christmas.
Other books in this series: Shadow Sight (Ivy Granger #1) and Ghost Light (Ivy Granger #2)
We are giving away an ebook copy of Blood and Mistletoe, an Ivy Granger series novella, to one lucky winner!
To enter, please leave a comment on this post and include your email address so we may contact you if you win. This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL. Ebooks available in choice of PDF or Kindle formats. Giveaway ends July 29, 2013 midnight EST.
Blood and Mistletoe (Ivy Granger #1.5) by E.J. Stevens
Holidays are worse than a full moon for making people crazy. In Harborsmouth, where many of the residents are undead vampires or monstrous fae, the combination may prove deadly.
Ivy Granger, psychic private investigator, returns to the streets of Harborsmouth in this addition to the bestselling urban fantasy series.
Holidays are Hell, a point driven home when a certain demon attorney returns with information regarding a series of bloody murders. Five Harborsmouth residents have been killed and every victim has one thing in common--they are fae. Whoever is killing faeries must be stopped, but they only leave one clue behind--a piece of mistletoe floating in a pool of the victim's blood.
The holidays just got interesting. Too bad this case may drive Ivy mad before the New Year. Heck, she'll be lucky to survive Christmas.
Other books in this series: Shadow Sight (Ivy Granger #1) and Ghost Light (Ivy Granger #2)
***Paranormal Christmas in July Giveaway***
We are giving away an ebook copy of Blood and Mistletoe, an Ivy Granger series novella, to one lucky winner!
To enter, please leave a comment on this post and include your email address so we may contact you if you win. This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL. Ebooks available in choice of PDF or Kindle formats. Giveaway ends July 29, 2013 midnight EST.
blood and mistletoe,
book giveaway,
christmas in july,
ivy granger,
urban fantasy

Wolf Days of Summer Giveaway Winner
Congratulations Shelly S. winner of the Wolf Days of Summer Giveaway at From the Shadows. Shelly will receive ebook copies of She Smells the Dead, Spirit Storm, Legend of Witchtrot Road, and Brush with Death, the first four books in the Spirit Guide young adult paranormal series.
Thank you to all who entered!
**Winners selected using Rafflecopter and**
Thank you to all who entered!
**Winners selected using Rafflecopter and**
book giveaway,
E.J. Stevens,
giveaway winner,
spirit guide series,
young adult

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Q+A with Teri Harman (Blood Moon)
Please welcome today's paranormal guest author Teri Harman. Teri is the author of Blood Moon, the first novel in the Moonlight trilogy.
EJ: When did you begin writing?
Teri: I have been writing stories all my life. The first one I can remember was a few sentences about a cow dictated to my mom who typed it for me on her electric typewriter (wow - that sounds really old). I was three or four.
But I seriously began to pursue a career as an author six years ago when I wrote my first book.
EJ: What brought you to the paranormal genre?
Teri: Since I was young, I've been fascinated by all things wondrous and haunting. All my favorite books, movies, TV shows include magic of some kind. They say to 'write what you know' and I definitely know paranormal.
EJ: If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?
Teri: A witch, of course. :) Witches have always been my favorite, which is why I wrote BLOOD MOON. I designed the Moonlight witches after the kind of witch I always pictured in my head, the kind I always wanted to be, but never came across in literature or film.
For me, a witch's power is tied to nature and the earth. In BLOOD MOON there are six different kinds of magical gifts, known as The Six Gifts. Each witch is born with one dominate strength or Gift. If I could pick one, it would be the Gift of Dreams - seeing the past, present and future in dreams and seeing ghosts. One of my main characters, Willa, has this gift.
EJ: Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.
Teri: BLOOD MOON is a reinvention and revitalization of witchcraft. Drawing on the history, lore, and techniques of Wicca and Natural Magic, I created a new breed of supernatural creatures that command the elements and fight for control of the greatest magic, the Powers of the Earth. The story is fast-paced and packed with romance, action and emotion. I hope readers find a lot of what they've loved about witches in the past, but also many new things to get excited about.
EJ: If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?
Teri: I’d love to see Jonathon Rhys Meyer play the Dark witch, the bad guy, Archard. When I saw a picture of him in The Tudors, with his slicked back hair and goatee, I almost fell off my chair – so, so Archard. Plus, Jonathon has the talent to portray the witch's complex anger and passion.
For Simon and Willa – that’s harder. I think Ashley Benson looks a lot like Willa in the face and eyes, but Willa has dark brown, chestnut colored hair. And I’ve yet to come across an actor who reminds me of Simon - at least one the right age. Jensen Ackles reminds me of Simon, but is too old (Simon is 19). Hopefully, after readers get their hands on the book they can help me find one. :)
Blood Moon (Moonlight Trilogy #1) by Teri Harman.
Willa dreams of true events and her best friend is a ghost. Simon can heal any wound with a touch and senses others’ emotions, intentions. All their lives they’ve felt alone in their bizarre abilities, hiding behind a facade of normalcy, wondering why and how. The night Simon walks into the Twelve Acres Diner and meets Willa face to face, in a swirl of electric heat, they are bound to one another and glimpse the magic of who they are.
Across town a witch is held prisoner in the derelict basement of an old Victorian house. One night as it rains, she dares to reach her filthy, scarred hand out the window. Willa, walking home from work, recognizes the pathetic hand from a recent, terrible dream.
After a daring rescue of the witch, Willa and Simon are catapulted into the alluring but dangerous world of witchcraft and the magic of The Six Gifts. Answers to all their questions are within reach, but they’ve stepped into the middle of a deadly fight for the Powers of the Earth. Do they stay, risk their lives on the promise of power, or walk away?
Teri Harman's groundbreaking debut novel, the first installment in The Moonlight Trilogy, completely reinvents the modern concept of witches and magic. With its authentic translation of the history of witches into a fresh and entertaining package with unprecedented characterization, Blood Moon is sure to capture readers from the first page.
Release Date: June 22, 2013
Thank you Teri for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about Teri Harman and her books, please visit her website.
EJ: When did you begin writing?
Teri: I have been writing stories all my life. The first one I can remember was a few sentences about a cow dictated to my mom who typed it for me on her electric typewriter (wow - that sounds really old). I was three or four.
But I seriously began to pursue a career as an author six years ago when I wrote my first book.
EJ: What brought you to the paranormal genre?
Teri: Since I was young, I've been fascinated by all things wondrous and haunting. All my favorite books, movies, TV shows include magic of some kind. They say to 'write what you know' and I definitely know paranormal.
EJ: If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?
Teri: A witch, of course. :) Witches have always been my favorite, which is why I wrote BLOOD MOON. I designed the Moonlight witches after the kind of witch I always pictured in my head, the kind I always wanted to be, but never came across in literature or film.
For me, a witch's power is tied to nature and the earth. In BLOOD MOON there are six different kinds of magical gifts, known as The Six Gifts. Each witch is born with one dominate strength or Gift. If I could pick one, it would be the Gift of Dreams - seeing the past, present and future in dreams and seeing ghosts. One of my main characters, Willa, has this gift.
EJ: Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.
Teri: BLOOD MOON is a reinvention and revitalization of witchcraft. Drawing on the history, lore, and techniques of Wicca and Natural Magic, I created a new breed of supernatural creatures that command the elements and fight for control of the greatest magic, the Powers of the Earth. The story is fast-paced and packed with romance, action and emotion. I hope readers find a lot of what they've loved about witches in the past, but also many new things to get excited about.
EJ: If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?
Teri: I’d love to see Jonathon Rhys Meyer play the Dark witch, the bad guy, Archard. When I saw a picture of him in The Tudors, with his slicked back hair and goatee, I almost fell off my chair – so, so Archard. Plus, Jonathon has the talent to portray the witch's complex anger and passion.
For Simon and Willa – that’s harder. I think Ashley Benson looks a lot like Willa in the face and eyes, but Willa has dark brown, chestnut colored hair. And I’ve yet to come across an actor who reminds me of Simon - at least one the right age. Jensen Ackles reminds me of Simon, but is too old (Simon is 19). Hopefully, after readers get their hands on the book they can help me find one. :)
Blood Moon (Moonlight Trilogy #1) by Teri Harman.
Willa dreams of true events and her best friend is a ghost. Simon can heal any wound with a touch and senses others’ emotions, intentions. All their lives they’ve felt alone in their bizarre abilities, hiding behind a facade of normalcy, wondering why and how. The night Simon walks into the Twelve Acres Diner and meets Willa face to face, in a swirl of electric heat, they are bound to one another and glimpse the magic of who they are.
Across town a witch is held prisoner in the derelict basement of an old Victorian house. One night as it rains, she dares to reach her filthy, scarred hand out the window. Willa, walking home from work, recognizes the pathetic hand from a recent, terrible dream.
After a daring rescue of the witch, Willa and Simon are catapulted into the alluring but dangerous world of witchcraft and the magic of The Six Gifts. Answers to all their questions are within reach, but they’ve stepped into the middle of a deadly fight for the Powers of the Earth. Do they stay, risk their lives on the promise of power, or walk away?
Teri Harman's groundbreaking debut novel, the first installment in The Moonlight Trilogy, completely reinvents the modern concept of witches and magic. With its authentic translation of the history of witches into a fresh and entertaining package with unprecedented characterization, Blood Moon is sure to capture readers from the first page.
Release Date: June 22, 2013
Thank you Teri for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about Teri Harman and her books, please visit her website.
Blood Moon,
Teri Harman,
the moonlight trilogy,

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