Saturday, November 10, 2018

Dark Faerie Bookish Giveaway

Want to win fabulous prizes? Today we are giving away a HUGE dark faerie themed prize pack.

Dark Faerie Prize Pack

We are giving away a Dark Faerie Prize Pack, including a coloring book, faerie necklace, urban fantasy audiobook, earbuds, and more!

  • Gothic Dark Fantasy Coloring Book
  • Faerie Necklace
  • Amy Brown Faerie Greeting Card
  • Ivy Granger LED Keychain Flashlight
  • Ivy Granger Button
  • Frostbite (Ivy Granger #0.5) Audiobook
  • Ivy Granger Postcard *Signed*
  • Custom Purple Earbuds

Dark Faerie Giveaway Ivy Granger EJ Stevens From the Shadows

To enter, please use the Rafflecopter form below. This giveaway is open to the US, UK, and Canada. Giveaway ends December 6, 2018 midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
What is your favorite urban fantasy creature?
(Faeries, Unicorns, Trolls, Vampires, Ghosts, Pixies, Goblins, Kelpies...)

Dream Win Prizes

Good luck!


  1. My fav is hell hounds they are amzaing

    1. Oooh, yes! I dug into the old "black dog" folklore to combine a barghest with a hell hound in the Ivy Granger series, especially in Hound's Bite. ;)

  2. I do like fairies and goblins. I think they are unfairly maligned.

  3. "What is your favorite urban fantasy creature?" I think a vampire, if it dresses well in tailored suits.

    1. Will exsanguinate you, but their fashion sense is on point. ;)

  4. My favorite are the Fae. Unseelie and Seelie. Second is Hellhounds. Love them. LOVE them lol

  5. I love the brownie's the "wee folk" are a big part of our culture in Scotland, and for a bowl of oats and cream you get your house cleaned!! I must have upset them, my house is a tip!!

  6. It's hard to choose my favorite, because I love them all. But I gues it would be mermaids...or unicorns...or....
    sherry @ fundinmental

  7. I'm commenting!

    I love mermaids and dragons and Kirin!

  8. Witches are my favorite.Thanks for the awesome contest.

  9. My favorite creature? I don't know because all creature can be good or can be evil... But I think I have a little crush for werewolf.

  10. Witches and ghosts all day, every day, for me. Can't beat them. But then, I'm a wee bit biased.

    Excellent prizes!


    1. Witches are not "creatures," though ghosts are.

  11. That is a hard one - I think Nephilim for overall evil/good side switching possibilities - Vamps because let's be honest they sparkle 😂

  12. Sorry, but I'm in love with the Dragon and Phoenix shifters. They totally rock.

  13. All of them! Although I've always had a thing for horses so of course Unicorns rank high, but all mythical creatures of all kinds have their charm in one way or another. I like the god-goddess pantheons as well.

  14. Unicorns! But I like reading about faeries, vampires, shifters and dragons!

  15. I like dragons at times, but my favorite is probably vampires.

  16. I love Vampires! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  17. I love the Goblins and Trolls. Thanks for this fabulous giveaway!

  18. My favorite urban fantasy creature are shapeshifters(mostly Dragons, werewolves, or Kitsune).

  19. Dragons... I love dragons :)

  20. Fae - I love the power, the light and dark courts, the variety of powers and forms.

  21. My favorite is Vampires.

  22. I love shifters! Any and all types. Also hybrids

  23. I like all fantasy creatures mostly dragons!

  24. I LOVE ghosts . I have actually encountered 2 in my life. One of them opened kitchen cabinets and drawers while my husband and I stood in the doorway and watched !

  25. My favorite urban fantasy creatures are Gargoyles - with Werewolves and Kelpies as a close second and third.

  26. Hard to choose just one, but I guess it would be Fae or witches,

  27. I’ll be honest—I’m still a sucker (no pun intended) for vampires, werewolves, and demons. The problem is that very few authors ever do anything different with them.
    I’m not a big fan of romance-heavy plots or cliches, so unfortunately, I have to shovel through piles of this to find the kind of vampire, werewolf, etc. books I enjoy.

  28. Replies
    1. Why do people keep calling Wiccans "creatures?"

  29. This carries over from my younger days!! I have always been fascinated by unicorns!!!

  30. I love them all, but my favorites are Faeries, unicorns and vampires! Thank you for the chance!

  31. I enjoy reading about everything, but I enjoy witches and ghosts the most.

  32. My favorite would have to be Shifters.

  33. My favorite are hellhounds, the funny ones, and witches.

  34. Love faeries. Have cabinet of faeries and silk wall hangings.

  35. I've loved unicorns since I was really young. I have quite the collection of them. lol :)

  36. I love them all!! As long as the story is good, then I will love them!

  37. Vampires and dragons - I love them both.

  38. I love reading about vampires- probably started when I read Dracula when I was a kid. But I also love some fae as well.

  39. Probably vampires, but I do love fae too!

  40. I like most creatures. Brownies would be great in real life. Unicorns, mermaids, dragons....bring them on.

  41. Oh I like so many I collect trolls, and fairies but have a soft spot for dragons. They are so misunderstood.

  42. I love vampires all kinds of shifters.

  43. I love sirens, mermaids, selkies, fairies,vampires, witches, and dragons

  44. What is your favorite urban fantasy creature?
    It can be so comforting to read about family.

    1. Does your family know you consider them "creatures?"

  45. I suppose I like untrustworthy Fae best. Unicorns are wonderful, but shy.

  46. I'm not too sure if I have a favorite, it all depends on my mood.. I love shifters, elves, trolls, vampires, gargoyles, witches, etc... I love to read and will read whatever speaks to me!

  47. I love shifters and witches.

  48. Griffins and centaurs! Nobody writes enough about them.

  49. I'm greedy, I love the Fae, Demons, Vampires & Shifters pretty much equally

  50. Shifters are my favorite (but i like them all)

  51. I truly love the fae and the elvens like the ones from the Irish lore - the tuatha de danann and the elves from the books and films of J.R.R. Tolkein, stories about mermaids or/and the sirens, the witches, warlocks and mages and also the dragons. All about legends, myths and mysteries which is in fact were true, once upon a time, way back before our history was ever written.

  52. Vampires are my favorite of them all. For me it would be amazing if they were real. I loved vampires since I was a little girl. It would be great since I would be pain free and that would be a mega plus❤️❤️

  53. It's a tie between Vampires and dragons.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.


  55. Dragons- Some authors make them out to be pure evil. I like the dragons that are portrayed as intelligent creatures that have ancient knowledge and gave the world magic.

  56. I don't have a single favorite fantasy creature, though I love those of a more unique magical nature: elementals, gargoyles, true unicorns, etc.

  57. faeries have always been my favorite :)

  58. Vampires have been my favorite since I first started reading fantasy!

  59. vampires would be my favorite fantasy creature

    tiramisu392 (at)

  60. I love Vampires and I liked them before Twilight but Twilight was great to!

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