Please welcome today's paranormal guest author Victoria Roder! Victoria is the author of Bolt Action
EJ: When did you begin writing?
Victoria: I've always been creative and as long as I can remember my mom has told me I should write books. In 2006, I wrote an article for FarmLife magazine on my rescue dog Rocky. He is a beautiful black and tan Husky that was hit by a car and left for dead. His back leg and tail had to be amputated, but the day after his surgery he walked out of the veterinarian’s office and into our hearts. When I saw my article about Rocky’s harrowing experience in print I was hooked. I set an original writing goal to have something published to honor each of my beloved family pets for all eternity. If you stop by my website you can see a picture of Tucker, Rocky, and Molly my furry children.
EJ: What brought you to the paranormal genre?
Victoria: I have had a recurring dream about a house that my birth family lived in for a brief period of time when I was a child. Even with the passage of time, in the dreams I remained a young girl. I could see myself standing on a desolate street void of sound, lights, or cars. Next, instead of watching myself I starred through my own eyes at the ominous house. Each time I woke up I knew that I had experienced the dream before. The dream began to trouble me, so I discussed it with my sister Tammy. She suggested I write it down, in the hope that it wouldn’t bother me anymore. I began recording the details of the dream and then instead of it not bothering me, it consumed me. I researched dream interpretation and it intrigued me. My recurring dream became the premise for my paranormal romance novel The Dream House Visions And Nightmares. It is a murder mystery wrapped in a paranormal ghost story. Apparitions and vivid dreams reveal clues of mystery, murder, and age-old revenge.
EJ: If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?
Victoria: Honestly, I don't want to read minds or have super strength, or even fight demons. All I want, is to be able to snap my fingers and have things like the dishes done, the house clean, and the yard mowed. These are the duties I have a hard time getting done when I have an article to write, a puzzle to create, or a character begging me to tell their story.
EJ: Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.
Victoria: The Dream House Visions and Nightmares is a page turning, spine-tingling mystery. You will care about the main character, Hope Graham because she could be you. Fran Lee of the Salt Lake City Examiner had this to say...With chilling intensity and a fine hand, Ms. Roder weaves a tale that captures the reader's imagination and keeps them spellbound until the final page. In the words of Paranormal Romance Guild Review...kept me quite literally on the edge of my seat. I'm glad I read this book during the day because I would probably have had problems falling asleep if I had read it at night.
EJ: If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?
Victoria: Hope Graham would be played by Ashley Judd because she can be vulnerable but finds strength within herself when she needs it. The supporting male would be played by Dwayne Johnson "The Rock" just because I think he's cute and sweet.
The Dream House: Visions and Nightmares by Victoria Roder.
Recurring dreams of a house Hope Graham's family rented when she was a child, taunt her nights with nightmares of a woman in a bloody nightgown pleading for help. Dream sequences of children metamorphosing into rats, blood spewing out of windows, and walking across decaying bones, foretell of sins of the past and forewarn of danger in the present. In an attempt to end the agony of her sleep depriving dreams, Hope travels to her hometown...only to discover that the truth can be more frightening than a nightmare.
Thank you Victoria for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about Victoria Roder and her books, please visit her website.
Another book to my ever-growing TBR pile. Thanks for sharing Victoria. Saw the review on the Guild, but after reading your interview, I'm even more intrigued.
ReplyDeleteSo excited to add another talented author to my reading list. sad you have nightmares but it just goes to prove that out of bad things...good things come!!!
ReplyDeleteI can relate to bad dreams, and getting the house work done, which is a bad dream.
ReplyDeleteRegina is so right, everything happens for a purpose. Too funny, Julie. I agree with the house work.
Thank you all for stopping by!
Paranormal Author E.J. Stevens
From the Shadows