
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Q+A with Shawn McGuire + Break My Bones Giveaway

Please welcome today's guest author, Shawn McGuire!  Shawn is the author of BREAK MY BONES.

Keep reading for a chance to win a handmade bracelet and Break My Bones swag!

Q+A with Shawn McGuire

EJ:  When did you begin writing?

I first started writing when I was 11 or 12. My cousin and I started writing our own Star Wars episodes and gave ourselves starring roles. I don’t remember what my name was, but she was Smudgie Holo! Sadly, I no longer have those notebooks. It would be so much fun to read those stories now.

EJ:  What brought you to the paranormal genre?

  Things happen that can’t be explained and I love the thought that there are other forces at work in the world. Also, my books deal with some heavier topics (death of a family member, divorce, dating abuse, substance abuse, rape) and adding some fantastical elements makes it a little easier to deal with, I think, without minimizing the seriousness.

EJ:  If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?

  Invisibility! Mostly because I’m kind of snoopy. I’d love to be able to get into places I shouldn’t go and listen to conversations I shouldn’t listen to. Also I could move stuff around and people wouldn’t know what was going on!

EJ:  Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.

The basic premise of the books in my series is that someone makes a wish, the wish is granted, and then things don’t go so well. If you’ve read the first in the series, STICKS AND STONES, you’ll want to know who gets the next wish and what kind of trouble the genie (known as a Wish Mistress in the books) is up to.

Crissy is the main character in BREAK MY BONES. Crissy simply wishes for a brighter future. Her mom is a drunk, her older sister is following in their mom’s footsteps, and Crissy’s boyfriend is abusing her.

This book deals with some heavy topics, but it’s a story about finding your own strength and the importance of friends and family. And Desiree, the Wish Mistress, is a lot of fun. She’s a hippie and…well, you’ll have to read to find out more.

EJ:  If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?

  Crissy – Ashley Benson. I found a picture of her when I was writing BREAK MY BONES where her hair is messed up and she looks small and fragile. Although Crissy has street smarts and isn’t afraid to speak her mind with her friends, she is small and physically fragile.

Desiree – Mary Kate Olson. She’s got that pouty look so often – and Desiree is quite moody – but when she smiles her face just lights up and you want to be her best friend. And she’s tiny. Desiree is tiny.

Mandy – Selena Gomez. She has that fresh, girl-next-door but still in-charge look about her that is totally Mandy to me.

Kaf – I have a picture on my Pinterest page of him. I have no idea who this man is but he is 100% my Kaf.

Break My Bones (Wish Makers #2) by Shawn McGuire.

Everyone makes mistakes. Crissy’s just might kill her.

Seventeen-year-old Crissy Sheets was so sure Brad was the one, she believed him when he swore the first bruise was an accident. She believed him when he told her he loved her after the second. Now trapped in an abusive relationship with no idea of how to get out, she’s all but given up on ever having the life she dreams of. With little to lose, Crissy wishes for a better future.

She’s told her wish has been granted, but nothing has changed. Her house is still a dump, her mother is still drinking, and Brad still wants to control her every move. Then Lance moves into the house across the yard. He’s hot, chivalrous, and wants to help Crissy break free. Will standing up for herself push Brad too far?

Release Date:  September 1, 2014
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
Add to Goodreads.

Thank you Shawn for joining us here today at From the Shadows!

To learn more about Shawn McGuire and her books, please visit her website.

Break My Bones Giveaway

The author is giving away a handmade bracelet and fab Break My Bones swag!

To enter, use the Rafflecopter form below.  This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL.  This is a tour giveaway, so the winners will be randomly selected by the author or publisher.  Giveaway ends September 15, 2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck!


  1. Very interesting casting & such a gorgeous cover.

    1. I agree. I absolutely love those roses. So pretty! :)

  2. Great interview! I would love to watch it if they ever did make this movie and Selena Gomez was in it. She's great. Also, lovely cover <3

    Check out my review and giveaway:

    1. Glad you enjoyed the interview! I always enjoy asking authors who they would cast as their lead characters. :)

  3. I absolutely love the cover and that is what generally pulls me in to reading a book.
