
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Q+A with E.S. Moore (To Walk The Night)

Please welcome today's paranormal guest author E.S. Moore!  E.S. is the author of To Walk the Night.

EJ:  When did you begin writing?

  I've written ever since I was little, but near the end of high school into college, I completely abandoned it. Outside of family and maybe a teacher or two, there was no support for me. It wasn't until 2006 that I decided to give this writing thing a try again. It's what I've always wanted to do.

EJ:  What brought you to the paranormal genre?

I've always been a fan of paranormal in general, but it wasn't until I saw The Dresden Files television show that I got interested in paranormal outside of horror. Up until then, it was all Stephen King, Brian Lumley, and Konntz with a lot of fantasy thrown in. I got into the show, decided to pick up the Butcher books, and I never looked back.

EJ:  If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?

  I think I'd have to go with being able to see and talk to ghosts. There's just something about the idea that appeals to me. It's not even the ability to talk to friends and family that have passed that is the most interesting to me, but rather, hearing the tales of those long gone that draws me to the idea.

EJ:  Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.

  I hope readers will love it because while it is urban fantasy, I brought a little of my horror background into it. It creeps in from book one and the farther into the series you go, the more it will appear. I hope that readers will find the familiar in the books, as well as something just different enough to hold their interest.

EJ:  If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?

  This is actually a hard one because I don't watch a ton of TV or movies these days, so my knowledge of actors and actresses is limited! But I'll give it a try anyway...
Ethan is probably the easiest because I saw this guy in my head when writing the character. Fran Kranz seems like the perfect actor to play him. His character on Dollhouse has a few similarities to Ethan.
As for Jonathan and Kat, I really have no idea. It would be easy to go and choose people straight out of movies like Underworld, but I won't do that. I'd want someone entirely different, someone who might never have played a vampire or werewolf before.
So, I suppose those two roles would have to be a gut feeling after seeing someone try the characters on? Perhaps the readers will be able to come up with a good actor and actress to handle the parts because I sure can't!

To Walk The Night by E.S. Moore

Even a vampire has to face her inner demons…

Kat Redding is the very thing she hunts: a vampire, thirsting for blood, capable of killing any creature unlucky enough to get in her path. The difference is, Kat kills her own kind in order to protect human Purebloods. She’s good at what she does. Good enough to earn the nickname Lady Death—and the enmity of every bloodthirsty being around. But now a vampire Count is intent on merging his House with a werewolf cult to create a force of terrifying power.

Kat can’t allow that to happen. Even if it means taking on a den of weres and a vampire more ruthless than any she’s encountered before. She has the weapons, the skill, and a few allies. But that may not be enough to eliminate the Count before her own dark nature rises to the surface—and costs her whatever is left of her humanity…

Thank you E.S. for joining us here today at From the Shadows!

To learn more about E.S. Moore and his books, please visit his website.


  1. Great interview - sounds like an interesting series - I love me some horror mixed with Urban Fantasy. Off to add your book to my "buy-me" bookshelf on Goodreads!!

  2. Great cover, title and plot, E.S. All success to you.

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